大同中文学校 Datong Chinese School

大同中文学校属于非政治性、非宗教、非盈利性质的社团语言学校,在新州教育部社团语言学校计划处注册,得到政府的资助。本校在新州公平交易部(NSW Fair Trading)和澳洲税务局(Australia Taxation Office)注册。

Datong Chinese School is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit community language school registered with the New South Wales Department of Education Community Language School Program and is funded by the government. The school is registered with the NSW Fair Trading and the Australia Taxation Office.

学校一览 School overview

  • 悉尼大学中英双语学会于1992年创立
  • 开设学前班至12年级汉语课程以及高级汉语课程
  • 开设视觉艺术、舞蹈、篮球、武术、英语写作、小学英语和数学课程,适合不同年龄的学生,以及家长瑜伽课
  • 学校活动:冬季音乐会、中文演讲、书法和作文比赛
  • 校外活动:中国音乐节、中文朗诵比赛,中文写作比赛、汉语水平考试(HSK)、中国新年市议会项目、新南威尔士州教育部长奖
  • 中国语言文化之旅,由澳洲及国际汉语教学机构赞助
  • Founded in 1992 by the Chinese-English Bilingual Society of Sydney University
  • Conducting Chinese program from preschool to Grade 12 level, and advanced Chinese
  • Other programs: visual art classes for all ages, dancing, basketball, wushu, English writing, primary school English and Maths, and Yuga for parents
  • School annual events: Winter concert, Chinese speech, handwriting and essay writing competitions
  • External projects: Chinese Eisteddfod, Chinese Speech Competition, Chinese Writing Competition, Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), Chinese New Year City Council Project, NSW Education Minister’s Award
  • China Language & Culture Trip, sponsored by the national and international Chinese language education organisations

校长 Principal



董宁老师从事一线中文教学研究40余年,曾任大学中文系讲师、南洋国际学校副校长,悉尼大同中文学校校长。2006年赴香港工作,任香港启新书院中文教师、系主任、EiM 集团“我会”中文课程设计与培训总监。董老师兼任国内及海外大中小学特聘师资培训员,从事中文母语课程建设、教师及家长培训工作,担任国际中小学生作文比赛总评审、香港中小学生普通话比赛评委等职。受邀担任各类国际中文教学研讨会主讲嘉宾,编写并出版了十多部中文教材。

禹慧灵老师多年从事中文教学及研究工作,曾在NSW多间公立中小学及私立学校SCECGS Redlands任中文教师,曾任大同中文学校执行校长,2006年赴香港工作,任香港英基学校协会启新书院中文科主任,英基学校协会中文课程总监及教学顾问。禹慧灵老师也在香港大学和香港教育大学任兼职讲师。禹老师多年从事国际文凭(IB)课程教学和研究、课程管理、教师培训和课程资格授权工作, 是国际文凭大学预科课程(IBDP)中文语言与文学课程总考官,中文和认识论课程的教师培训员、课程授权顾问和授权访问领队。禹老师对NSW本地中小学中文教学亦有深入了解和教学经验,曾任NSW HSC 中文Continuers 和 Extension 课程总考官,负责出题及阅卷工作。禹老师的研究方向包括国际学校教师培训、多语言能力培养、国际教育环境中的语言学习、语言教学与评估。禹老师是IB学习资料的作者,编著IBDP中文A和中文B课程学习指导。

Starting from the Term 3 2024, Ms Ning Dong and Mr Huiling Yu will take over the principalship of Datong Chinese School. We hope that the school and parents will work together to make children's Chinese learning enjoyable and beneficial.

The professional backgrounds of Ms Ning Dong and Mr Huiling Yu are as follows:

Ms Dong has been engaged in front-line Chinese teaching and research for more than 40 years. She has served as a lecturer in the Chinese Department of a university, vice principal of Nanyang International School, and principal of Sydney Datong Chinese School. In 2006, she went to Hong Kong to work as a Chinese teacher and Head of Chinese Department of Renaissance College, and the Director of Chinese course design and training of EiM Group's "I Will". Ms Dong is also a specially-appointed teacher trainer for universities and primary and secondary schools in China and abroad. She is engaged in developing Chinese mother tongue courses, teacher training and parent communication, and serves as the chief judge of the international primary and secondary school essay competition and the judge of the Hong Kong primary and secondary school Mandarin competition. She has been invited to be a guest speaker at various international Chinese teaching seminars and has written and published more than ten Chinese textbooks.

Mr Yu has been engaged in Chinese teaching and research for many years. He has worked as a Chinese teacher in NSW public primary and secondary schools and private school SCECGS Redlands. He was the executive principal of Datong Chinese School. In 2006, Mr Yu moved to Hong Kong taking the role of Head of Chinese at Renaissance College of the English Schools Foundation. He was the learning and teaching adviser of English Schools Foundation. Mr Yu is also a lecturer at the University of Hong Kong and Education University of Hong Kong. Mr Yu has been engaged in curriculum development, teacher training, and school authorization for the International Baccalaureate (IB). He is Chief Examiner of IBDP Chinese Language and Literature of IBDP, a teacher trainer, and IBDP school authorisation visiting team leader and consultant. Mr Yu also has in-depth understanding and teaching experience in Chinese teaching in local primary and secondary schools in NSW. He was Chief Examiner of NSW HSC Chinese Continuers and Extension courses. Mr Yu's research interest covers international school teacher training, multilingual ability, language learning in an international education environment, language teaching and assessment. Mr Yu is the author of IB learning materials and compiled IBDP Chinese A and Chinese B course study guides.

